Geekery, The Eternity Mirrors Series

The Appeal of Parallel Worlds

This seems like a relevant topic to pick on, given that it is the main subject of my upcoming debut Sci-Fi Novella, The Forgotten Fairground. It also seems relevant given the recent expansion of the MCU into a multiverse.

The Eternity Mirrors Series

The Forgotten Fairground – Available NOW For Pre-Order!

t doesn’t feel like five minutes since my announcement back in January that I would be self-publishing my debut Sci-Fi Novella later this year, and yet here we are, and here I am to tell you that it is now available for Pre-Order.

The Eternity Mirrors Series, Turning Ideas Into Words

Why I chose to self-publish

The publishing industry has changed a lot over the last 15 years. When I did my degree (2004-07), self-publishing really wasn’t an option. Editors, cover designers, and marketing experts were all focused primarily on working with publishing companies, rather than directly with authors.


How will Covid-19 influence our stories for years to come?

I don’t know about anyone else, but as lockdown restrictions in the UK continue to lift, I have been left with a feeling of, “Well… that happened.” Already, life is returning to something that can pass as normal, but with some subtle differences which remind us that, as a society, we have been through something… Continue reading How will Covid-19 influence our stories for years to come?